Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Day Behind...

I've been a day all week. I still remember that Tuesday and Thursday Ryanne has preschool and that Thursday was a 1/2 day of school. If you had asked me though I would have told you that Tuesday was Wednesday, Wednesday was Thursday etc. This makes for some pretty interested conversations.

Then again I am really behind of everything right now. Laundry is piling up, general clean up is piling up.... Those 2 things never really end around here though.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I can admit I was wrong

I had it in my head that getting a new puppy would make everything all better. I was wrong.

Last Sunday I went to a local rescue's meet & greet. All the dogs they had that were available to be adopted were there. I came across the sweetest 12 week old lab/hound mix. He was perfect. I filled out the application to adopt him and got the call Monday that I was approved and could come and pick him up.

Tuesday was the day. I dropped Ryanne off at preschool and headed over to pick the little guy up. I was so excited. It didn't last long.

This puppy was potty trained, crate trained, well mannered, fun and didn't bother Greyson too much. Isis took a liking to him...the cats would have killed him if they could have figured out how. They were less than thrilled with the barking puppy we let invade their house.

Wednesday morning I woke up with a knot in my stomach. Just thinking about the puppy possibly chewing the new furniture, the responsibility, the not being about to leave the house for more than a couple hours at a time got to me in the worst way. Really I was having a huge ass panic attack regarding the cutest, well behaved puppy.

Thursday I called Kolin at work and asked him if he would hate me if returned the puppy. I just couldn't do it. He came home real quick on his way out of town and I just cried. My heart is broken and even though I know we can't have Chief back, that's really what I want.

I emailed the rescue and told them that it just wasn't working out for us. Nothing on the puppy's part...I couldn't have asked for a better puppy for our house. It was all on me.

I dropped him off Saturday afternoon. I told him I was sorry, I just wasn't ready. I don't know if I ever will be. I do know that for now it was way way way too soon.

The kids handled it a lot better than I thought they would. Karis was the most upset saying that we need 2 dogs. I told her right now we only need one and that special dog is Isis.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm certifiably crazy!

The last couple days I've been looking for that 'special' puppy. I can't tell you how many times in the last 6 months that Kolin has been heard muttering around the house "no replacement animals" "There will be NO replacement animals!"

I think we've talked ourselves into another, but it's got to the the RIGHT one. It just can't be the first puppy we see that needs a new home.... With summer coming, we'll have less running and more time to acclimate a puppy to our house.

I was checking out petfinder and found this 'little' guy.   He's a St. Bernard/Australian Shepherd mix. Just look at his paws!!!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tinkle Tinkle, Little Bat

(To the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)

Tinkle, tinkle, little bat
Wonders where the potty's at.

Straight ahead or to the right?
Caves are very dark at night.

Little bat, why do you frown?
Did you tinkle upside down?

Karis is learning this song for school. Her class will be singing it to the office staff on Friday. 

I smile and laugh every time she sings it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Girl Scout Cookies

Karis is 6 and it's her first year in Girl Scouts. This year she is a Daisy. We started taking orders for cookies on January 2nd. The cookies sale was supposed to be over on March 18th, but council extended it until April 8th. I decided to send a case of assorted cookies to work with Kolin to sell. I would replenish as he needed them and then I had 3-4 cases of cookies in the back of my vehicle to sell. I got the car window paint and advertised.  I didn't know how we'll we'd do but surprisingly we've sold around 200 boxes this way with basically no effort at all.

We've had people stop us and ask for cookies while filling up for gas. We've had people write notes and leave them on the windshield asking us to call them and we've had people pull up right beside us at a 4-way stop to ask guessed it cookies. 

I'm not sure what her final count is at this point. As soon as all the booth time she has put in is tallied we'll have a final number.

Karis and I are already looking forward to next year. I'm going to make up some 'business cards' to hand out to everyone who stops for cookies so they can call when they need more.

Monday, April 9, 2012


It's been a crazy few months around our house. First and foremost we had to put Chief down two weeks ago. He got sick with blastomycosis and even though he fought HARD the best thing we could do for him was to make sure he wasn't hurting any longer.

It literally broke my heart to let him go, but the hardest thing for Kolin and I was telling the kids. There is nothing worse that having 5 inconsolable kids crying their hearts out over a dog they loved so much. They, like us, just wanted him to get better so he could come home. It just wasn't meant to be.

Isis is settling down. She's pretty much following me around the house and lays down right in front of the chair I usually sit in. She has a broken heart too.

Karis is now asking us for another puppy. She's like HIM to be black with brown eyes....and she wants to name him Chief. She asks at least once a day, if not two or three times. Kolin and I told her that while we won't actively look for a puppy, if a special one comes along we'll definitely consider it.